Springs Staff Scoop January 2022

If you have any tips, news, or content that you would like to see in the Springs Staff Scoop, please feel free to email Stephanie Keister.

ABCD AWARDS: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty – 2nd Quarter FY2022

Jacqueline Rivas banner

Jacqueline models excellence and professionalism in her interactions with peers and coworkers. She is an excellent listener and offers profound insight. She is also an excellent mentor and cheerleader and a great encouragement to all who are privileged to interact with her. Jacqueline is an excellent advocate and has a good understanding of community resources, and she is able to quickly and efficiently connect clients with resources and skill building tools. Jacqueline consistently puts in the extra effort when it comes to advocating for our community members and assisting them in finding the support that is centered for their individual needs.

Paul McGinnet banner

Paul has worked the last year with completing all mental health individual counseling sessions, completion of Comprehensive Integrated Assessments, and treatment plans for every client in both Circle Program and Women’s Recovery Center. That is twice the workload for 1 FTE. Paul goes above and beyond to support our clients’ needs, and does so without complaining. WRC has had an open position for Clinician 11/111 for over a year, and Paul just jumps in daily to ensure that no client is going without their concerns being addressed. Paul remains a vital piece of the residential team!

Madison DeCrow-Green banner

Madison not only holds a full case load for the Circle Program, she consistently managed another full case load at Women’s Recovery while the position was vacant. Madison maintained standards for Residential, and worked with all referral and payer sources for both programs to ensure that best client care was being given, while the programs continued to operate at our demanded level. Madison remains value driven and client centered in all actions that she takes. She remains an integral part of the Residential team!

Vanessa Lane banner

Vanessa goes above and beyond for her clients. She is on the front line and out in the streets with them. This takes a large amount of bravery and courage. She is talented in working with those struggling with addiction, and I hear clients say again and again, how much they love Vanessa. Vanessa also advocates for important topics such as Suicide Awareness and participates in community events. Furthermore, she has overcome so many obstacles herself and she is an inspiration!

Congratulations to all of our ABCD and Customer Service Superstar Award Winners!

Megan Goforth banner

Megan was a ROCKSTAR BSA.  She not only tended to the Rangely office in person, but she also took on all viable assistance for both Eagle and Vail offices.  Megan is super resonsive and always willing to help with more than is asked of her.

All of us in Rangely are confident she’ll continue to do well in the role of Medical Case Manager.

Congratulations to Erika Hoy!

Quality Improvement Manager, for recently being appointed by the Governor to the State Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners. This is truly an honor for Erika and speaks to her years of experience and expertise. We are very proud of her and this accomplishment!

Mind Springs Health 50th Anniversary logo

Mind Springs Health turns 50!

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mind Springs Health, one employee per month will be picked (via a random drawing) to receive a paid day off (to be used within 8 weeks of the date it’s awarded).  January’s winner of a paid day off is Megan Verros in Aspen!

There will be a fun-themed day, at least once a week, for the remainder of 2022.  These days include “dress up” days, jeans days, and other themes to spread joy and kindness.  In addition, there may be a few surprises throughout the year for all staff, both inpatient and outpatient, to help celebrate the golden anniversary.  See below for what is in store for the special days for the Month of February!

Ground Hog Day illustration

Wednesday, February 2
Ground Hog Day

Dress up as the ground hog – or just wear a lot of brown!  Watch the movie “Ground Hog” day in your break room during lunch.

Monday, February 7
Send a Card to a Friend Day

Write a personal card to one of your co-workers.

Monday, February 14
Valentine’s Day

Wear red today and share your favorite candy.

Thursday, February 24
National Chili & National Tortilla Chip Day

Plan a chili cook off with your team to see who makes the best chili!

Chili Day illustration

50th Anniversary Zoom Backgrounds

New Zoom backgrounds to jazz up your meetings are available!  Click here for details on how to add one of the eight available backgrounds in three easy steps.

Add the 50th Anniversary Logo to Your Signature Block

Click here for directions on how to add the anniversary logo to your signature block if you would like!

MSH banner
Cultural Engagement Team logo

Join the Cultural Engagement Team!

Are you interested in helping our organization become more diverse and knowledgeable about equality and equity within our communities?

Please join the next CET meeting on February 23, 2022

OR  . . .

Are you interested in sharing an experience or something you have learned? Write a DEI piece for the Springs Staff Scoop!

As an incentive, you will be awarded with Eloops Fun-Nominal Funds! If you have any questions about the CET, please outreach Dr. Amy Gallagher.  

How Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Relate to Emotional Intelligence?

By Krista McClinton

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a crucial component of organizational success and not just the “right thing” to do. Inclusive cultures create increased innovation between teams and throughout organizations.

Diversity includes making deliberate efforts toward inclusion. It seeks and embraces a wide range of perspectives within a group, not just allowing different viewpoints. Each person in a group is like no other, all with different perspectives, qualities, and experiences that can provide depth and value.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is needed to function effectively anywhere, however, additional aspects are required where we are bombarded daily with differences in areas such as values, language, behaviors, preferences, and norms. Sometimes, unfamiliar ways can be intriguing or confusing, and can produce an emotional, as well as, an intellectual response. These emotional reactions lead to behaviors that can be effective, or ineffective, depending on our ability to cope appropriately with our feelings.

EQ includes tools needed to implement DEI ideals in our teams and workplace. Strong EQ provides a deliberate pathway to an end goal of an organization that promotes DEI efforts. This occurs through understanding and being intentional about the behaviors that individuals exhibit. It provides tools to better collaborate and to utilize the diverse skills and experiences of the people around us.

Emotional Intelligence enhances diversity and inclusion in the workplace by:

  • Developing empathy: Empathetic individuals are able to put themselves in the shoes of others to understand circumstances. Empathy is at the core of successful leadership in diverse groups; it is a crucial skill in dealing with differences and helps build stronger relationships.
  • Reducing Unconscious bias: The benefit of unconscious bias is that it can help us to make quick decisions. Knowledge of unconscious bias alone is not enough to reduce workplace bias. EQ can mitigate the impact of unconscious bias by improving self-awareness, assertiveness, adaptability, and impulse control.
  • Creating an Inclusive Culture: As the saying goes, “Diversity is a reality, but inclusion is a choice.” EQ provides relationship management skills to make an inclusive culture a reality.  Unless you consciously include, you will unconsciously exclude.
  • Improving Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a regular practice of emotionally intelligent individuals. Understanding inner emotions are important to determining responses to various social situations.

The foundational ingredient in the recipe for workplace solid DEI ideals is emotionally intelligent leaders and teams. Having EQ allows individuals to embody relationship management and to understand DEI work, promoting an ability to focus on building connections with coworkers. Individuals with high EQ have the ability to engage in uncomfortable conversations and enjoy hearing ideas that challenge preconceived notions. Ultimately, strong EQ allows trust-building and creates a collaborative space where team members feel seen, heard, and respected.

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